July 8, 2024

The Gimbal Team at Freefly is proud to present Power Surge – an update that provides up to a 50% performance upgrade for all Mōvi Pros and Carbons.

After a deep dive into motor performance, we were able to push Mōvi Pro and Carbon performance even higher with the SL4 batteries. This beta release refines our motor temperature estimation algorithms allowing Mōvi to significantly increase the duration it can sustain maximum torque.

This sustained torque increase shines in high-speed / acceleration applications.  Our testing showed 50% higher cruising speeds on the arm car and we nailed shots on an Alta X at 66 mph.  For Carbons, it is a true 20% torque increase to go along with the higher sustained torque.

Testers reported improved stabilization at lower speeds and in handheld operation.  In general, there was much rejoicing from those who have had a chance to preview this release, so we’re excited to invite you to join in the fun!

Update your Mōvi, turn on maniac mode, and unlock shots that weren’t possible yesterday.

Happy shooting,

The Gimbal Team

PS- there are a lot more features and bug fixes in this release than we could mention. Click below for the full release notes.
