July 3, 2024

Not a day goes by without a press release from India extolling the virtues of the very latest technology designed and developed on the Indian subcontinent.

The majority of these platforms are rebadged machines from Alibaba. IZI Fly Drone is the latest to fly through my inbox.

Now it is not this breathless reviewer’s fault that he has been sold a pup. Perhaps he could have spent a moment or two with Google to verify IZI Fly Drones claims. Or even just look at all of the IZI Fly Amazon listing it clearly states at the bottom of the page, imported by IZI.

He is actually reviewing a machine with multiple personalities, principally the Faith2s.

Indian authorities need to get hold of the mistruths being peddled by well-connected importers.

Repeated many times an EY – FICCI report titled“Making India the drone hub of the world” is laudable but needs a new set of less rose-tinted spectacles when reading.

Over the next decade, India is poised to exploit an opportunity that we cannot afford to miss —the drone revolution. The global drone market is poised to become a US$ 54 Billion market by 2025. Our estimates indicate that the drone manufacturing potential in India could be worth US$ 4.2 Billion by 2025, growing to US$ 23 Billion by 2030.

Making India a drone manufacturing power would contribute to the country’s target of a US$ 5 trillion economy with a larger focus on Make in India opportunity and once delivered, its success will contribute to national prosperity across multiple sectors.

The nation has the potential and the opportunity to emerge as a drone hub on the global stage. A strong case exists for a symbiotic relationship between the government and industry to realize our vision to make India the drone hub of the world by the year 2030.

Sham advertising is doing a great disservice to the many excellent drone start-ups in India, a country blessed with world-class software and hardware developers.

They are being drowned out by noise created, in some cases by celebrity-backed Chinese tat.

If India really wants to a Drone Hub it needs to start looking after its own properly.