July 3, 2024

Massey University School of Aviation invites all users of remotely piloted aircraft (also known as drones, UAVs, model aircraft, etc.) to participate in a study examining the prevalence of violence and aggression towards RPA users, and the nature of such events.

The study will take between 5 and 20 minutes to complete and is being conducted by Ms Claire Walton as part of her Master of Aviation studies, supervised by Dr Isaac Henderson and Dr Thanh Ngo.

The research team encourage all RPA users to complete the survey, regardless of whether or not they have ever experienced violence or aggression aimed at them while conducting operations.

Data from this study will be aggregated and anonymised and then shared with important stakeholders such as the Civil Aviation Authority of New Zealand and UAVNZ/Aviation New Zealand, to help guide policy directions for both regulators and industry bodies.

You can read more about the study and access the full information sheet at the following link:


That image didn’t crop well, here it is in its full glory, I was quite pleased with this AI effort (ed)