July 5, 2024

Well done to Josh Bixler Flight Test Community Association (FTCA) and David Messina FPV Freedom Coalition (FPVFC) , and the legion of others from both organisations for getting their FAA community-based organisation (CBO) status.

If you are not a Part 107 operator in the USA you must fly by the rules of one of the 3 CBO’s available.

You don’t have to be a member of them, but you do need to fly in accordance with one of

Its a glimmer of hope that voices other than the AMA will be in the room.

FPVFC safety guidance is here

FTCA safety guidance is here

The other one has held back the hobby so much that I am not inclined to look for their guidance!

You will need to take the FAA TRUST test to comply with either FPVFC or Flite Test I think it would be a plan to support the Boy Scouts of America and take it with them.

Bruce had a look at the other crowd’s requirements, they may not be for you. When he made this video they were the only show in town.

If you want to create your own CBO, here are the hoops

Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) that meet the statutory definition in Section 44809(h) of the Exception for Limited Recreational Operations of Unmanned Aircraft, may apply for FAA recognition:

  • Described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; 
  • Exempt from tax under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986; 
  • Mission of which is demonstrably the furtherance of model aviation; 
  • Provide a comprehensive set of safety guidelines for all aspects of model aviation;
  • Provide programming and support for any local charter organizations, affiliates, or clubs; and 
  • Provide assistance and support in the development and operation of locally designated model aircraft flying sites