July 5, 2024

Today, EMC Operations Group is really rather pleased to announce a new generation of tactical C-UAS effectors, the very first gel-adhesive obstructive munition: Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor.

The Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor offers a number of advantages of existing generation of C-UAS effectors:

-Cost effective; with munition cost comparable with FPV UAS systems.
-Stable ‘longstore’ effector; for simplified logistics and deep magazine stockpiling.
-Shrapnel free GOO intercepts; safe and forensically sound (vastly superior intelligence collection capabilities from downed UAS than conventional intercept methods.)

Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor is 80mm caliber, has a maximum speed of ~200m/s, ~3km energetic range, and only weighs 5kgs.

Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor will be available in 4 and 9 round electric launchers for easy integration with existing tactical deployment platforms. Compatible with a number of platforms and available pre-integrated on class leading USV’s, UAV’s, technicals and various land-based systems.

What’s more, it will be the world’s first effector to employ active flow control (a specialism of one of our partner firms) for highly agile manoeuvre and low drag energetic guidance ensuring rapid, accurate, and effective delivery of Baryonyx (STW-50 variant) interception.

Once the EMC Baryonyx warhead is activated (utilising pressurised gas, not explosive PBX (increasing lifespan and reducing TCO)) the munition body detaches, allowing it to gracefully descend to ground without representing a danger to personnel and equipment at ground level. The STW-50 agent will envelop the UAS (with a lesser requirement for low CEP,) covering it in a rapidly expanding and hardening closed cell gel-adhesive agent that instantly disables UAS operation. Once the effector has enveloped the target, it falls to earth under high drag (protected from impacts, and made buyant if operated over water by STW-50 expanded foam effect) where it can be recovered and scoured for useful intelligence that will provide the warfighter future tactical advantage.

All in all, Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor will enable a new generation of tactical C-UAS systems. Offering far lower TCO, deeper magazines, simpler safer deployment and greater intelligence gathering from downed platforms. Ultimately delivering a far safer in a battlespace where the warfighter increasingly has to be concerned with blue UAS assets in the same airspace as threats. Overall, Electromagnetic Stable Interceptor represents a next generation approach to tactical C-UAS designed for the contemporary pervasive UAS world.

Both we, and our partners on this project believe that ESI will be a paradigm shift for both CUAS munitions.