July 5, 2024

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited, an Indian drone service provider and DGCA – certified drone
pilot training organization, is commencing operations in Thailand, in association with the Asian Institute
of Technology (AIT). The partnership will pave the way for the company into the Southeast Asian
market. The primary goal of the collaboration with AIT is to co-develop projects involving Drones and
GIS in Thailand and the surrounding countries.

DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations signed an MOU with Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand,
attended by Prateek Srivastava – Founder & MD and Marcia Chen – Sr. Manager – BD & Sales from
DroneAcharya, and Prof. Dieter Trau – Dean of School of Engineering and Technology & Director of AIT
Entrepreneurship Center and Ranadheer Mandadi – Program Officer From Special Degree Program
Office from AIT.

While DroneAcharya’s initial focus is on the Indian market, the company will also be expanding into
other countries, including the Middle East, the United States, Central Asia as well as Southeast Asia. As
part of its strategy to expand across Europe and capture the market there, DroneAcharya is introducing
a series of training courses centred on drones. Moreover, DroneAcharya is India’s First Drone Start –
up to be listed on the BSE SME platform.

Drones are becoming increasingly integral to the optimization of operations across a wide range of
businesses. Together with AI, the data they collect and analyze from a bird’s-eye view are transforming
the ways in which businesses examine, survey, and map the ground, buildings, and crops below. The
worldwide Drone market was worth $11.45 billion in 2016, and it is projected to reach $51.85 billion by 2025.

It’s clear from these figures that the Southeast area, along with other countries in the world, has
enormous growth potential. In nations like Thailand, there is a huge potential for expansion in terms of
GIS, Development, AI / ML, Drones etc. The projects carried out in partnership will generate
employment for Drone pilots, GIS experts, Engineers, and GIS Developers.

“Drones and geographic information systems (GIS) are two examples of cutting-edge technologies
finding widespread use across a number of sectors. By providing limitless new opportunities from
previously unfeasible viewpoints, they are revolutionizing the old methods. DroneAcharya and AIT are
teaming together to break into the Thai and Southeast Asian markets with a drone and GIS-related co-
development projects. We are planning to launch shortly and have some initiatives in the works.” says
Prateek Srivastava, Managing Director at DroneAcharya Aerial Innovations Limited.