June 26, 2024

Write For Us

Robots and Sensors is always looking for new writers to add to our network of Contributors.

We’re looking for experienced professionals who work with autonomous vehicles, robots, UAVs, and remote sensing technology on a regular basis.

If you’d like to further establish yourself as a subject matter expert or just enjoy sharing best practices with others in your industry, becoming a Guest Contributor for Robots and Sensors is a great idea.

Can my Marketing Department Write Articles for Robots and Sensors?

Yes – Great articles are helpful and insightful. Who wrote them doesn’t change that.

All writers can publish under their own name with a related author bio that includes a link to their website or a website owned by their employer.

Overly promotional articles however, maybe rejected or edited before being published on Robots and Sensors.

Do Guest Contributor Get Paid?

No – While Robots and Sensors employs a writing staff, the Guest Contributor program is not a form of employment.

What Kind of Guest Contributor Articles Does Publish?

We’re always willing to publish thorough and thoughtful articles our readers will find helpful or insightful.

Industry related opinion pieces or how-to articles specific to certain software, machines, or technology are almost always welcome.

To thoroughly articulate an opinion or document a workflow, writes are likely to submit at least 1,200 words per article.

Who Owns Content Submitted to Robots and Sensors?  

You understand and agree that all written content submitted to RobotsAndSensors.com becomes the exclusive property of Robots and Sensors.

You do not have the right to republish that content on your own site or any other place.

However, writers can publish under their own name with a related author bio that includes a link to their website or a website owned by their employer.


What Would You Like to Write for Robots and Sensors?

Pitch us a headline!