July 8, 2024

With developments in drone technology, the need for counter-UAV systems has been rapidly increasing as well. With many private and public sector sites installing systems to prevent drones in the airspace, the need to test the capabilities and limits of these systems has become more prominent.

This is where UgCS Commander steps in. This article explores how UgCS Commander’s multi-drone control capabilities are improving the testing of anti-drone systems.

UgCS Commander – a Unique Solution in Drone Operations

UgCS Commander is designed for efficient multi-UAV automation, allowing control of several drones simultaneously. It supports a range of drones, including popular models from DJI and American-made drones based on platforms such as Ardupilot, PX4, and Auterion. This capability is crucial for simulating real-world scenarios where multiple drones might intrude simultaneously, challenging anti-drone systems.

Key Features of UgCS Commander

  • Simultaneous Multi-Drone Control and Management: Enables the launch and control of multiple drones, mirroring potential real-life drone attack scenarios.
  • 3D Environment Monitoring: Offers a comprehensive view of all drones in simulated airspace, essential for testing anti-drone systems’ detection and tracking capabilities.
  • Real-time Telemetry: Provides instant data on drone parameters, aiding in precise scenario replication and analysis.
  • Route Planning and Assignment: Facilitates creating and assigning complex flight paths, essential for testing anti-drone systems under varied conditions.
  • Live Video Streaming – with certain drones, Commander provides the possibility for drone operator to automatically see live video.

How Does it Work?

Step 1: Route Planning

Plan routes for multiple vehicles within UgCS software for flight planning.

Step 2: Connect the drones

Connect drones using the same methods as in standard UgCS:

DJI drones through UgCS for DJI on Android devices.

Other drones via various means like radio datalinks, Wi-Fi, etc.

Step 3: Assign routes and simultaneous launch

Assign each of the connected drones a planned route and launch them simultaneously. 

Step 4: Monitor Real-time Telemetry 

Monitor critical drone parameters in real-time through a user-friendly dashboard.

Step 5: 3D Environment

Visualize all drones in a 3D environment of UgCS.

Step 6: Proximity Alerts

Receive alerts if drones come too close to each other.

Step 7: Control Flexibility

Control the drones together, separately or in groups.

Pause missions

Resume missions

Land drones as needed with the UgCS Commander.

Testing Anti-Drone Systems with UgCS Commander

Testing Anti-Drone Systems with UgCS Commander involves evaluating various components of a multi-layered, multi-sensor anti-drone system.

UgCS Commander allows the simulation of complex intrusion scenarios. That way, it challenges these systems’ abilities to detect and track multiple drones in different configurations.

The multi-drone control feature of UgCS Commander is crucial for assessing the system’s effectiveness in jamming drone communications across different frequency bands. It can provide a diverse and thorough testing environment for various countermeasures.

In addition to the UgCS Commander’s advanced capabilities in testing anti-drone systems, it also serves many other industries. 

For Surveying and Mapping Companies, UgCS Commander is instrumental in enabling efficient and precise collection of extensive geospatial data. 

Academic and Research Institutions maximize their capabilities for gathering aerial data in environmental and archaeological studies. 

In Government and Environmental Agencies, the UgCS Commander aids in environmental assessments and wildlife conservation by effectively monitoring natural habitats. 

Emergency Services and Search & Rescue Organizations utilize the UgCS Commander to orchestrate coordinated search patterns and monitor emergencies. 

This software is key in controlling multiple drones for innovative filming, achieving complex aerial shots, and creative cinematography in the Film Production industry. 

UgCS Commander stands out as a flight planning software solution that significantly boosts operational performance across various industries.

Ready to take control of your drone fleet? 

Attend Webinar: December 07th, 2023 https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/6117007481301/WN_UPDV0wGIRAyYUPxAv7NMfg