July 3, 2024

Stuart Lindsay, Head, Airspace Modernisation, Civil Aviation Authority

Kevin Woolsey, Co-Head, General Aviation and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Civil Aviation Authority


Councillor Keith Artus, Chairman, Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group (SASIG); Helen Hearn, Director, Spectrum Policy, Ofcom; Dr Ruth Mallors-Ray, Director, RMR Consultants; John McKenna, CEO, sees.aiNicholas Paines KC, Commissioner for Public Law, Law Commission; Andrew Sage, Director, Safety Transformation, National Air Traffic Services; Fiona Smith, Group Head of Aerodrome Strategy, AGS Airports


Andrew ChadwickConnected Places CatapultSam DurhamNFUDr Anton HowesEntrepreneurs NetworkStuart McGlynnCyberhawk

Chaired by:

Lord Kirkhope of Harrogate, Vice President, All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation

This conference is bringing together stakeholders and policy makers to discuss the future of remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) regulation and commercial use in the UK.

It comes as the CAA updates the Airspace Modernisation Strategy, and Ofcom consults on spectrum management for unmanned aircraft systems – with further studies being conducted by UKRI and the Law Commission.

Delegates will discuss the priorities for the safe and effective integration of unmanned and remotely piloted aircraft systems into UK airspace, and what is needed from regulators and users to enable routine operations beyond visual line of site (BVLOS).

They will also examine emerging RPAS applications in key industries, the integration of drones into existing practices and business models, and the priorities for building business cases and attracting investment.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with Stuart Lindsay, Head, Airspace Modernisation, Civil Aviation Authority; and Kevin Woolsey, Co-Head, General Aviation and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Civil Aviation Authority.

Also making keynote contributions are Councillor Keith Artus, Chairman, Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group (SASIG); Helen Hearn, Director, Spectrum Policy, Ofcom; Dr Ruth Mallors-Ray, Director, RMR Consultants; John McKenna, CEO, sees.aiNicholas Paines KC, Commissioner for Public Law, Law Commission; Andrew Sage, Director, Safety Transformation, National Air Traffic Services; and Fiona Smith, Group Head of Aerodrome Strategy, AGS Airports.

Further sessions will explore:

  • management of the safety and security risks of increased drone use, including emergency services response
  • opportunity for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of public services and projects through the inclusion of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technology
  • integrating RPAS into wider policy goals and realising their potential contribution to national efforts on sustainability and net-zero

[jump to more detail on the discussion]

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from the Cabinet Office; DCMS; DfT; the Home Office; MCA; the UK Space Agency; and the Welsh Government.

The agenda:

Draft subject to change

8.30 Registration


9.00 Chair’s opening remarksLord Kirkhope of Harrogate, Vice President, All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation


9.05 Airspace modernisation and integrating remotely piloted aircraft systems into airspace regulation and useKevin Woolsey, Co-Head, General Aviation and Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems, Civil Aviation AuthorityStuart Lindsay, Head, Airspace Modernisation, Civil Aviation AuthorityQuestions and comments from the floor


9.35 Break


9.40 Developing the regulatory environment – spectrum and airspace management, routine BVLOS, acceptable levels of risk, opportunities for tailoring regulation to technology and uses, and reducing barriers to sector growthJohn McKenna, CEO, sees.aiHelen Hearn, Director, Spectrum Policy, OfcomNicholas Paines KC, Commissioner for Public Law, Law CommissionAndrew Sage, Director, Safety Transformation, National Air Traffic ServicesQuestions and comments from the floor


10.40 Chair’s closing remarksLord Kirkhope of Harrogate, Vice President, All-Party Parliamentary Group on General Aviation


10.45 Break


10.55 Chair’s opening remarksSenior Parliamentarian 


11.00 Integrating drones into local economies – regulation, planning and infrastructureCouncillor Keith Artus, Chairman, Strategic Aviation Special Interest Group (SASIG)


11.10 Maximising the economic contribution of drones in the UK – developing business cases, integrating drones into new and existing business models, attracting investment, and priorities for supporting sector growthAndrew Chadwick, Technology Innovation Lead, Aviation, Connected Places CatapultSam Durham, Chief Land Management Adviser, NFUStuart McGlynn, Chief Aviation and Safety Officer, CyberhawkDr Anton Howes, Head of Innovation Research, Entrepreneurs Network


11.30 Questions and comments from the floor


11.55 Break


  Opportunities for drone use in supporting wider policy areas and national objectives


12.00 Improving efficiency and effectiveness of public servicesFiona Smith, Group Head of Aerodrome Strategy, AGS Airports


12.10 Contributing to meeting emissions targets and supporting business pathways to net-zeroDr Ruth Mallors-Ray, Director, RMR Consultants


12.20 Questions and comments from the floor


12.30 Developing the vision for commercial drone use and policy priorities going forwardSenior representative, policyQuestions and comments from the floor


12.55 Chair’s and Westminster Business Forum closing remarksSenior ParliamentarianPatrick Owen, Senior Researcher, Westminster Business Forum

Additional senior participants are being approached, but if you or a colleague would like to be considered as a speaker at this seminar, please contact us at [email protected] specifying the event and session where you would like to speak and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you are offering to speak yourself please don’t fill in the booking form, as this will be taken as an order and you will be charged for a place subject to our T&Cs.

Key areas for discussion:

Developing the regulatory environment

  • airspace modernisation: latest from the CAA on the updated airspace modernisation strategy, and priorities for regulation and airspace management going forward
  • regulation: supporting innovation, sector growth and safe use of RPAS – regulatory agility, and tailoring regulation to specific uses and technologies
  • airspace and spectrum management: integration of drones and UAS alongside existing uses and traffic – enabling side-by-side use with current aviation technologies – modernising regulation and licensing
  • beyond visual line of sight: what is needed from regulators, policymakers and the sector to unlock BVLOS, and overcome barriers to sector growth and adoption in wider industries
  • safety and security: managing and responding to the inappropriate and illegal use of UAS – options for deterrents, prevention and penalties for malicious disruption

Maximising application and contribution

  • businesses cases: commercial strategies for RPAS – attracting a diversifying investment – bringing together researchers, innovation centres and businesses to overcome barriers to adoption
  • integration into business models: engagement with key sectors – improving efficiency, safety and productivity in key industries through the application of UAS and UAS-enabled data
  • learning from key use cases and applications:
    • enhanced mapping surveying and planning through geospatial data collection
    • safety and quality inspection in construction, energy, infrastructure and surveying
    • improving efficiency in public services and augmenting response options for health, security and emergency services
  • role in supporting national policy objectives: incorporating UAS and UAS-enabled services and data into national priorities such as net-zero and sustainable energy development

Relevant developments:

–          Advancing airborne autonomy: use of commercial drones in the UK – joint policy paper published by BEIS and DfT in July 2022 setting out the government’s vision, including:

o    widespread use of drones in UK businesses

o    measures aimed at supporting innovators, regulatory reform and industry engagement

–          Airspace Modernisation Strategy update – the CAA considering responses to consultation on its strategy, which is aimed at to integrate new aerial vehicles and simplify airspace management and regulation

–          Spectrum for Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) – consultation from Ofcom proposing a new spectrum licence for drone operators authorising new technologies and equipment to enable BVLOS operations, with the response expected in November

–          Consultation Response: Extending the provisions for Legacy and Transitional Category UAS – from the CAA, published in June 2022, and recommending that the DfT extend Open Category UAS provisions indefinitely

o    the response argues that the necessary infrastructure is not in place to move away from non-class marked UAS by the start of 2023, and recommends the re-evaluation of the class marking scheme

o    transition and legacy provisions will now be extended until January 2026

–          New project to examine the legal implications of increased autonomy in aviation – Law Commission announced in July 2022, a review to identify gaps and uncertainties in legislation

–          Future Aviation Industry Working Group on Airspace Integration (FAIWG:AI)  new UKRI working group examining the safe integration of new uncrewed aircraft systems

o    the group published a problem statement in August 2022 – Future flight: working group problem statements – highlighting current restrictions of airspace integration

–          Skies Without Limits V2.0 – updated report published in September 2022 by PwC, highlighting the value of drones and their potential contribution to the economy, and industries such as construction, energy, agriculture and transport

–          ARPAS-UK Survey: Have Your Say – from November 2022, UK Drone Association seeking feedback on progress and on how it can best support the drone community in the next 12-24 months

Booking arrangements:

To book places, please use our online booking form.

Once submitted, this will be taken as a confirmed booking and will be subject to our terms and conditions below.

You can also pay in advance by credit card on 01344 864796. If advance credit card payment is not possible, please let me know and we may be able to make other arrangements.

Options and charges are as follows:

  • Access to Next steps for drone regulation and use in the UK (plus a permanent record of proceedings) is £260 plus VAT per delegate
  • Concessionary rate places for small charities, unfunded individuals and those in similar circumstances are £115 plus VAT. Please be sure to apply for this at the time of booking.

For those who cannot attend on the day:

  • full transcripts of all presentations, the questions and comments sessions, and further articles from interested parties, will be available via our website approximately 12 days after the event for £95 plus VAT
  • Concessionary rate: £50 plus VAT

If you find the charge for places a barrier to attending:

  • please let me know as concessionary and complimentary places are made available in certain circumstances
  • typical eligibility: individual service users or carers not supported by or part of an organisation, full-time students, unemployed and fully retired people with no paid work, and small charities
  • concessions are not offered to businesses, individuals funded by an organisation, or larger charities/not-for-profit companies.

Please note terms and conditions below (including cancellation charges).

I do hope that you will be able to join us for what promises to be a most useful morning, and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


Peter van Gelder
Director, Westminster Business Forum