July 3, 2024

T-DRONES has launched a multifunctional flight platform to the company’s M-Series line of multi-rotor UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles).

The M690 Pro quadcopter features a variety of improvements and upgrades to the design of its predecessor, the M690A.

T-DRONES M690pro is a quad-copter unmanned aerial vehicle platform with exceptional flight time and payload capabilities. M690pro could fly up to 55mins with 1kg payload for easy mission accomplishment with abundant time. Thanks for the long effective communication distance, excellent protection rate and portable backpack design, you can shuttle in different environments leisurely.

M690 Pro’s payload capacity has been increased to a maximum of 2 kg.

The system’s environmental protection rating has been greatly improved from IP41 to IP54, protecting it against dust and rain. T-DRONES has also designed a unique smart 6S battery for the drone, providing enhanced power management and flight safety.

Some of the most common relevant technical specifications are shown below:

Weight of drone (without battery): 1.69kg
Weight of drone (with battery): 3.59kg
Max Take-off weight: 6kg
Maximum Ascent Speed: 5m/s
Maximum Descending Speed: 3m/s
Maximum Horizontal Flight Speed: 15m/s
GPS Hover Accuracy: Vertical: ±0.2m; Horizontal:±0.1m
Hover time: 1kg ≥55mins 2kg≥40mins
Protection: IP54
Maximum Tolerable Wind Speed: 14m/s
Working temperature: -15℃-50℃

Contact Information: T-DRONES is a professional UAV flight platform manufacturer with cutting-edge technology and has been committed to UAVS and unmanned air systems for many years. Nowadays,T-DRONES flight platform is widely used in mapping, monitoring, transportation, rescue, police and other commercial fields.

More information and commercial applications, please contact us:
Website: https://www.t-drones.com/
Email: [email protected]