July 8, 2024

SpearUAV – developer of autonomous, AI-based technology for encapsulated UAS – is unveiling the world-first Viper encapsulated and launchable hovering precision attack drone, empowering tactical forces with an immediate, precise and autonomous aerial loitering munition (ALM) capability against BLOS targets.

Enhancing force protection, the hovering capability of the Viper enables aerial observation of targets -including the ability to review buildings floor by floor – in complex urban environments, while also offering mission abort and wave-off capabilities.

The rugged, compact, portable and wearable system can be launched on demand, with mission readiness achieved in less than a second, from both static and on-the-move positions. Intuitive and designed for single-user operation, Viper requires minimum training. Fused day and night payload and Artificial intelligence-based computer vision for real-time target recognition and tracking enable intuitive user interface and ensure minimal collateral damage.

Adapted to all types of ammunition available today, the Viper is equipped with the Ninox GCS (Ground Control System), which is compatible with Android, Microsoft Windows and Linux. Open system architecture integrates seamlessly with existing C2 systems.

“The Viper system is the latest and most advanced development from SpearUAV,” says Colonel (Ret.) Gadi Kuperman, Founder & CEO of SpearUAV. “It combines all the features required for a precise attack – launch within a few seconds, the ability to hover slowly to detect and identify targets, and precise attack with minimal collateral damage. We are proud that this system has already been proven in the field.”

About SpearUAV

SpearUAV is an Israel-based technology company, active since 2017 in the development and manufacturing of unmanned air systems for defense and HLS applications.

As a single source supplier for several Israeli MOD programs, Spear provides military clients, organizations, and governments around the globe with robust, autonomous, AI-based aerial

With a blend of civilian and military backgrounds, the Spear team brings multidisciplinary expertise in areas including: drone development, aerospace, AI & AR, military explosives, swarm operation and more.

SpearUAV’s Ninox family of encapsulated UAS are instantly launched – in individual or P2MP configuration – and intuitively operated. Providing combat-proven on-demand and on-the-move air capabilities, and delivering instant ISTAR missions and aerial loitering munition for precision attack, Ninox empowers individual warfighters, and equips manned and unmanned vehicles and allied systems with a new aerial dimension that meets the challenges of today’s battlefield.

For further information about SpearUAV, visit www.spearuav.com, or contact: Udi Oren, Marketing Director